WALX – a walking club with a unique twist
Our WALX Masters, Coaches and Guides are professional, qualified and passionate about making our WALX unforgettable!
Your local WALX Club will run OPEN WALX for each of our WALX categories; so whether you are interested in Wellness WALX, Total Body WALX or Explorer WALX, pop along to get a feel for what WALX is about. Everyone is welcome, meet our friendly team, make new friends, have fun getting active outdoors and learn about more WALX in your area.
Join the Community
WALX is a new exciting Active Outdoor club that is Fun, Affordable and Effective! With thousands of WALX available every week across the UK, we provide a unique opportunity for our Members, just like YOU, to meet up with other like minded friendly people, whilst getting results and amazing experiences from walking!
Explore Membership
WALX Membership will open up a world of WALX for you - be part of the WALX community! Gain the freedom to browse and book WALX all over the UK and be the first to gain access to the new exciting WALX App too Coming very soon!). Receive rewards whilst you exercise with our 'Smilage' points, stay in touch with the latest news and offers and save on outdoor clothing, holidays and more!