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Essex Wildlife Trust
Essex Wildlife Trust

Essex Wildlife Trust


Essex Wildlife Trust protects wildlife through landscape conservation, education on our nature reserves and discovery centres and campaigns that help to give wildlife a greater voice in our county.

We are a local wildlife charity supported by over 1900 volunteers and over 38,000 members. Together we protect and care for wildlife and wild places across Essex.


Essex Wildlife Trust was established in 1959 and has grown from strength to strength, always striving to protect wildlife for the future and for the people of Essex.

How we are run

Essex Wildlife Trust has a Board of Trustees that consists of 13 members, all of whom are unpaid volunteers. The Board meets around six times a year and is responsible for the overall governance and direction of the Trust, whereas operational management of the Trust is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Managers of the Trust. Three main committees report to the Board: Finance and Audit Committee, HR Committee and Health & Safety Committee.

As well as Essex Wildlife Trust Limited, there are a number of company subsidiaries which are; Essex Wildlife Sales Ltd (retail operations and visitor centre sales), Essex Ecology Services Ltd (consultancy arm), and two locational subsidiaries of Thameside Nature Park Ltd and Chafford Gorges Ltd. TNP, Chafford Gorges and EWT are all charitable bodies, registered with the Charities Commission.

Check out Essex Wildlife Trust events.



Essex, England, United Kingdom

Contact Information

Essex, England, United Kingdom